You love riding your motorcycle, but when it comes to insurance, you figure the cheapest will be fine. It’s not! As a member of the American Riders Association, you get free independent advice on what is best for you. Don’t worry, we don’t get any money from the insurance companies. We just do what’s right by you because you are a member
You’re in an accident. You don’t know who to talk to. As a member, you’ll be put in contact with an attorney with knowledge of biker’s unique situations, who have agreed to give American Riders Association members reduced fees. Take a look at our testimonials to hear how some members feel about this service.
As a rider, it never occurs to you that a Durable Power Attorney is a valuable legal document for you to have. As a member of the American Riders Association, we provide one to you at no cost.
Use your American Riders Association Membership Card to get discounts at select vendors, including 15% off on purchases.
Plus, you’ll become part of a network with other motorcycle enthusiasts.
It takes 5 minutes and for a limited time membership is free. What are you waiting for?